The incubator
AG Embry-ON emerged as a result of our business group’s willingness to deliver innovative value-added projects that are capable of revolutionising the current conception of a business model.
The balance between undeveloped talent and investment that seeks constant diversification have prompted our team to commit to an unprecedented project in the Principality of Andorra, which proudly seeks to be the epicentre of the emergence of national and international benchmark initiatives thanks to our economic team’s know-how, the experience and specialisation of our multidisciplinary professionals and the institutional support enjoyed by our management.
How does it work?
An incubator has a markedly complex internal operation but it is based on a very simple idea: The merger of talent and investment. Many national and international initiatives fail to bear fruit due to a lack of financial muscle or because they are not properly guided by a realistic and scalable viability plan. In addition, it is no secret that more and more investors are looking for considerable diversification in order to make the most of their wealth, especially due to the low returns offered by financial assets, among other investment products.
How does AG Embry-ON work? We jump right into the middle of this reality.
Our work involves providing those projects with potential with as many elements as may be necessary to be successful and attract investment. We have a professional team that studies, rectifies, constructs and develops the initial embryonic idea that we receive in order to draw up business plans, financial summaries and investment dossiers that are perfectly aligned with the profile of potential investors who may have a promising future in the market.
How do we work?
Our team’s work uses as a basis the initial study of the idea that we were given, and passes through a long development and guidance process that does not end when the project is handed over to the potential investors, but rather continues indefinitely, as we become companions in all the initiatives on which we work.
Our professionals scrupulously analyse the current and potential market situation of the embryonic idea in order to carry out an initial national and international feasibility test. We assess in detail the initial investment needs, as well as its sustainability until the stagnation of the project, duly analysing the fixed structures and variable costs and income.
Our incubator’s team of economists prepares all the profitability ratios and studies of the project once its complex economic features have been extensively examined, assessing the implications of the difference between the added value of the project, its net profit and the recurrent and accumulated cash flow over a given number of years.
Not only do we address all the economic aspects, but we also seek synergies with the public and private sectors to optimise project resources and costs, being able to offer in return a value report on the initiative to enhance its cross-cutting and plural nature. We also work with graphic designers, engineers, architects and other high-profile professionals from the incubation, acceleration and venture capital sectors who ensure the business plans we draw up are of the highest technical level.
Qualified investment
The size and multidisciplinary nature of the Augé Group have led our firm to consolidate relationships with professionals and businessmen from the most diverse sectors of the economy. In this sense, the entrepreneurial spirit, the desire to commit to new ideas and the many other motivations of our collaborators, clients and contacts in general, have led us to develop a solid base of potential investors who are constantly seeking the most exciting and viable projects in which to invest.
In addition, our country initiative and the attraction of qualified foreign investment has led us to contact foreign venture capital firms that wish to establish their base in the Principality of Andorra and have enormous financial muscle to invest in national and international projects at the service their funds’ clients.
Mobile apps
It is no secret that, in the 21st century world, there are very few business models left that have not already been proposed and implemented through mobile applications. Many of our clients have based their economic activity on the development, positioning or even commercialisation of mobile applications and for this reason it is a sector in which we have extensive knowledge.
Augé Legal&Fiscal not only wishes to encourage the projection of these and new models of economic development based on “apps”, but is also clearly and abundantly familiar with the legal treatment that should be given to the corporate structures and operations linked to them.
Therefore, we are the best option to support your project in the area of mobile or web applications in the Principality of Andorra.
E-Sports have become a true entertainment industry due to the evolution of the leisure mentality, particularly in the millennial generation’s world. The growth in popularity of these disciplines has grown proportionally over the years since the first videogame was launched to the market.
Currently, there are economic activities that range from the organisation of events, participation in national and international leagues or the creation of recreational forums and links to the world of sponsorships. Consequently, as Augé Legal&Fiscal is aware of the emergence of this sector and of the strong development that it will experience in our jurisdiction thanks to public-private support, any project linked to the E-games or E-sports sector will become a key area for our group.
Offline/online production and marketing
Although e-commerce already exists and has established itself as one of the most profitable business models in the world, we must not forget that the tangibility of the products, no matter how much it diminishes, will always contribute added value to the purchase of such products. Therefore, without moving away from the physical market, Augé Legal&Fiscal is increasingly looking to assist companies that wish to study hybrid models and even purely digital models.
Dropshipping platforms have marked a turning point in the way we understand trade, the organisation of stock and even the procurement and accountability mechanisms. The legal simplicity of physical trade contrasts with the innumerable ins-and-outs of its online counterpart as regards storage, indirect taxation and even such controversial issues as permanent establishments.
For all of these reasons, regardless of whether your business is hybrid, online or offline, our firm is the best option to undertake the comprehensive management of your projects in the area of trade.
Catering, hospitality and tourism
One of the central points of the redefinition of the Andorra trademark will be a clear commitment to change in those models that have historically clearly been at the forefront of the country’s economy. We are arriving at moment when the traditional tourist and hotel model is coming to an end.
This current economic situation requires that we perfect our public service model to ensure that our country’s excellence emerges as the main demand of potential investors seeking to lead their lives and businesses in Andorra and which, at the same time, will make our economy more dynamic.
Our group’s clear institutional vocation and the knowledge of the country’s hotel environment have allowed us to clearly identify the most successful models of hospitality and tourism in our jurisdiction. Therefore, not only can we be your legal and fiscal advisor, but we can also provide you with a broad view of the viability of your projects in accordance with our country’s natural evolution.
Andorra has evolved towards an increasingly inclusive and developed model of higher education. However, there are a great many educational disciplines that are highly relevant to the viability of business in the Principality that are not currently offered.
This fact offers incomparable opportunities to international companies offering services ranging from more traditional teachings such as the provision of hotel services to more advanced courses such as those related to digital marketing.
There are countless fields of educational specialisation that will become supremely important for forming an adequately educated critical mass of people to work for and on behalf of those companies that decide to lay roots in our country.
In addition, the implementation of a model of excellence in higher education will attract students from around the world to undertake training in a country where this field is still in its infancy. Augé Legal&Fiscal can serve as your distinguished advisor in the country, not only due to its knowledge of all the educational models that are capable of success, but also due to the ease of access to institutional bodies that can commit to projects of great significance.